Philippine Transparency Seal

Philippine Transparency Seal

The University of the Philippines complies with the conditions of good governance as set by Section 106 of the General Provisions of the FY 2019 General Appropriations Act (GAA).

Available below are the information required of the University under the said directive.

I. Mandate, Function, List of Officials, and Contact Information

II. Annual Financial Reports

III. DBM Approved Budget and Corresponding Targets for FY 2022

IV. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation

V. Annual Procurement Plan

VI. Quality Management System Certificates

VII. Guidelines in Determining the Eligibility of Delivery Units and Individuals

VIII. Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial Disclosures

IX. People’s Freedom of Information

X. Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 9485, otherwise known as the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007, and for Other Purposes

XI. Accountability Report Cards


I. Mandate, Function, List of Officials, and Contact Information

A. University of the Philippines Mandate and Functions

B. University of the Philippines Vision and Mission

C. University of the Philippines List of Officials

D. UP Visayas Vision and Mission

E. UP Visayas List of Officials

II. Annual Financial Reports

Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 1

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Summary Report on Disbursements

2023 | 20222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Budget Accountability Report (BAR) No. 1

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 5

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Plan (BED) No. 1

202320222021 | 2020 | 20192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 1-A 

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 1-B

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 1-C

20222021 | 2020 


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 2

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 2-A

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 3

20222021202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 4

202320222021 | 202020192018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Financial Accountability Report (FAR) No. 6

202320222021 | 20202019

III. DBM Approved Budget and Corresponding Targets


A. General Appropriations Act (GAA) 2023

B. GAA Performance Targets for FY 2023



A. General Appropriations Act (GAA) 2022

B. GAA Performance Targets for FY 2022



A. General Appropriations Act (GAA) 2021

B. GAA Performance Targets for FY 2021



A. General Appropriations Act (GAA) 2020

B. GAA Performance Targets for FY 2020

IV. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of Implementation for FY 2020

A. University of the Philippines Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation

Balik-PhD Research Grants

Emerging Interdisciplinary Research (EIDR)

Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant (ECWRG)

Implementation of the Free Tuition Law


B. UP Visayas Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation

Projects, Programs, and Activities (as of March 2022)


Projects, Programs, and Activities (as of June 2021)

Projects, Programs, and Activities (as of March 2021)


Projects, Programs, and Activities (as of September 2019)

Projects, Programs, and Activities (as of June 2019)

Projects, Programs, and Activities (as of March 2019)

V. Annual Procurement Plan

A. University of the Philippines Annual Procurement Plan

FY 2024 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2024 Indicative APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs

FY 2024 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (FY 2024 APP CSE) for all CUs

FY 2024 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2024 Indicative APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs – UP System

FY 2024 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2024 Indicative APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs – UP Diliman

FY 2024 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2024 Indicative APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs – UP Baguio, UP Los Baños, UP Tacloban, and UP Visayas


FY 2023 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2023 Indicative APP-non CSE) of all UP CUs

FY 2023 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (FY 2023 APP CSE) for all CUs

FY 2023 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2023 Indicative APP-non CSE) of all UP CUs (large file)


FY 2022 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2022 Indicative APP-non CSE) of all UP CUs

FY 2022 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (FY 2022 APP CSE) for all CUs

 FY 2022 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2022 APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs


FY 2021 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2021 Indicative APP-non CSE) of all UP CUs

FY 2021 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (FY 2021 APP CSE) for all CUs

FY 2021 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2021 APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs


FY 2020 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2020 Indicative APP-nonCSE) of all UP CUs

FY 2020 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (FY 2020 APP CSE) for all CUs

FY 2020 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2020 APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs


FY 2019 Consolidated Indicative Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2019 Indicative APP-nonCSE) of all UP CUs

FY 2019 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan for Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (FY 2019 APP CSE) for all UP CUs

FY 2019 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2019 APP-nonCSE) for all UP CUs


FY 2018 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan – Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (APP-CSE) for all UP CUs

FY 2018 Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan (FY 2018 APP-nonCSE) of all UP CUs


B. UP Visayas Annual Procurement Plan

Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2024

Non Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2024

Non Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2024 (Indicative)


Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2023 (Updated)

Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2023

Non Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2023


Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2022

Non Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2022


Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2021

Non Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2021


Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2020

Non Common-Use Supplies and Equipment for FY 2020

VI. Quality Management System Certificates

ISO Certificates

University of the Philippines Manila (UPM): | 2022-2025 |

Philippine General Hospital (PGH): | Renewal 2018-2021 | Renewal 2021-2024 |

NIH-Institute of Human Genetics (IHG), UP Manila: | Renewal 2018-2021 | Renewal 2021-2024 |

NIH-IHG-Newborn Screening Center (NSC), UP Manila: | Renewal 2018-2021 | Renewal 2021-2024 |

Newborn Screening Reference Center (NSRC), UP Manila: | Renewal 2017-2020 | Renewal 2020-2023 |

UP Law Complex, UP Diliman: | 2020-2023 |

Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms – National Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (PNCM-NIMBB), UP Los Baños: | 2018-2021 | Renewal 2021-2024 

Other Certificates

University of the Philippines (UP): Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Certificate of Commendation and Certificate of Achievement

Quacquarelli Symonds World Rankings 2024

Quacquarelli Symonds Asia Rankings 2023

Times Higher Education World Rankings 2023

Times Higher Education World Rankings 2024

Times Higher Education Asia Rankings 2023

Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023

ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA)

Human Resource Development Office (HRDO), UP Diliman: PRIME HRM Assessment


College of Medicine (CM), UP Manila: Basic Medical Education Program – PAASCU – Level IV Re-accredited Status

College of Pharmacy (CP), UP Manila: Pharmacy Program – PAASCU – Level III Re-accredited Status

College of Nursing (CN), UP Manila: Nursing Program – PAASCU – Level II Re-accredited Status

VII. Guidelines in Determining the Eligibility of Delivery Units and Individuals

Guidelines in Determining the Eligibility of Delivery Units and Individuals for the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023

Guidelines in Determining the Eligibility of Delivery Units and Individuals for the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022

Guidelines in Determining the Eligibility of Delivery Units and Individuals for the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021

Guidelines in Ranking of Delivery Units for the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020

Guidelines in Ranking of Delivery Units for the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019

Guidelines in Ranking of Delivery Units for the Grant of Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018

VIII. Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial Disclosures

A. University of the Philippines Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections

Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections for 2022

UP Sytemwide 2022 SALN Review and Compliance Committee


Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections for 2021

UP Sytemwide 2021 SALN Review and Compliance Committee


Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections for 2020

UP Sytemwide 2020 SALN Review and Compliance Committee

UPV 2020 SALN Review and Compliance Committee


Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections for 2019

UP Sytemwide 2019 SALN Review and Compliance Committee


Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections for 2018

UP Sytemwide 2018 SALN Review and Compliance Committee


B. UP Visayas SALN Certificate of Compliance

2023 SALN Certificate of Compliance

2022 SALN Certificate of Compliance

2021 SALN Certificate of Compliance

2020 SALN Certificate of Compliance

2019 SALN Certificate of Compliance

IX. People's Freedom of Information (FOI)

up compliance foi 0622

A. The Final People’s Freedom of Information (FOI) Manual

B. Modified One Page FOI Manual

C. Freedom of Information (FOI) Reports

D. Assessing Information Disclosure Practices for FOI Compliance (AID-FOI Tool)

E. Certification of No Pending FOI 2023 Requests

X. Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 9485, otherwise known as the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 and for other Purposes

A. University of the Philippines Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services

Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (2023)

UP System and Constituent Universities Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART)

Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (2022)

Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (updated: 2021)

Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (2021)

Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (updated: 2020)

Certificate of Compliance to Republic Act No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (2019)


B. UP Visayas Certificate of Compliance to RA No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services

Certificate of Compliance to RA No. 11032: An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services (2019)


C. UP System Administration Citizen's Charter


D. UP Visayas Citizen's Charter

XI. Accountability Report Cards


Performance-Based Bonus Scorecard



MFO Accountability Report Card (MARC-1)

Management Accountability Report Card (MARC-2)



Congratulatory Letter

MFO Accountability Report Card (MARC-1)

Management Accountability Report Card (MARC-2)



Congratulatory Letter

MFO Accountability Report Card (MARC-1)

Management Accountability Report Card (MARC-2)


Last Updated: 12 April 2024


Copyright © 2024

Information and Publications Office
1/F New Administration Building
University of the Philippines Visayas
Miagao, Iloilo 5023
Mobile Numbers: +639660532884 / +639617950005