No student shall be denied admission to the University by reason of age, sex, nationality, religious belief, or political affiliations. [Art 327, UP Code 1975]
Every applicant for admission shall undergo a thorough health examination. No person shall be admitted to this University who is found by the University Health Service to be suffering from a dangerous, communicable, contagious, or infectious disease or who is physically unfit to take courses in any college or school of the University. [Art 328, UP Code 1975]
Every student shall, upon admission, sign the following pledge: "In consideration of my admission to the University of the Philippines and of the privileges of a student in this institution, I hereby promise and pledge to abide by and comply with all the rules and regulations laid down by competent authority in the University and in the college or school in which I am enrolled." Refusal to take this pledge or violation of its terms shall be sufficient cause for summary dismissal or denial of admission. [Art 329, UP Code 1975]
No person who has not duly matriculated may be admitted to the classes. In exceptional cases, the Registrar may, on the recommendation of the Dean concerned, authorize the admission of a visitor to a class for not more than 5 sessions. [Art 330, UP Code 1975]

Undergraduate Admission
The entrance requirements for each course shall be as prescribed by the faculty of the college offering the course and approved by the University Council and the President of the University. Graduates of accredited high schools may be admitted as freshmen into the University of the Philippines on the following bases:
1. their performance in the UP College Admission Test (UPCAT);
2. their weighted average in the first three years of high school; and
3. their choice of UP campus and the quotas for specific degree programs/ colleges set by the University.
Graduate Admission
Graduate programs at UPV operate on either of two modes of the academic calendar. For any program, the academic year is made up of either of two terms or semesters, or, three terms or trimesters.
Applications for admission shall be addressed to the Dean of college/school offering the degree program. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year and accompanying documents should be received one month before the start of the academic year to provide enough time for consideration and processing. Applicants notified of their acceptance for admission should inform the Dean of the college/school concerned of their decision to enroll or not, as soon as possible.

UP High School in Iloilo Admission
Instruction at CAS includes secondary education. The UP High School in Iloilo has adopted since 1989, a democratized admission policy under which first year students from low-income families are admitted. The High School serves as the laboratory of the MEd program for innovative teaching designed to enhance and strengthen the training of disadvantaged students in order to better prepare them for access to tertiary education in the University of the Philippines.