Researchers from the Universite de Montpellier- Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC) in France visited UP Visayas recently for talks on establishing deeper linkage and collaboration through the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS).

The University of the Philippines Visayas Team composed of Computer Science students from the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (DPSM), College of Arts and Sciences were declared as Champion in the Philippine Programming Challenge 2018 which is co-organized by CodersGuild.NET and Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) held on March 8, 2019.

“Gracilariopsis Heteroclada protein concentrate as soybean meal replacement in the diet of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) post larvae” was cited as the Best Research Presentation Award in the Student Oral Presentation (graduate level) category during the gathering of aquaculture and fisheries experts held in Iloilo City.
Fish feeds the world. But according to fisheries scientists fish, captured from the sea and oceans peaked in 2016 and has since became static. Meanwhile, aquaculture production steadily increased through the years. Aquaculture answered the need to provide a steady supply of fish as food. But it is not without issues. Climate change, environmental degradation, steady supply of stock, bringing down production costs, and diseases are among the challenges it faces.
Seaweed development and oceanography is the focus of a new partnership that UPV has signed with the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Science (IOCAS).
The Graduate Program Office, in partnership with Psychological Association of the Philippines, conducted a Workshop on Qualitative Researching on March 2, 2019 at Diversion 21 Hotel, Iloilo City. This was attended by at least 30 graduate faculty, students, and alumni of the University of the Philippines Visayas College of Arts and Sciences, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, and College of Management.