Through a joint effort, the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Public Service and Extension Committee and the CAS Research Committee conducted the CAS Research and Public Service Orientation-Workshop at the Graduate and Continuing Education Building, UPV Iloilo City on April 16-17, 2019.
The President of UP Alumni Association of Nevada through its President, Ms. Dorothy Lenore Llariza-Tome handed over a donation amounting to $565 in support of the Sponsor-a-tutee program that is spearheaded by the TLRC.
“We hope to make you realize that there is a future in fisheries, the mariculture industry, with the vast marine biodiversity in our territorial and archipelagic waters,” says Francisco Tiu Laurel, Jr., commencement speaker of the 40th Commencement Exercise of UP Visayas.
Medical doctors from West Visayas State University College of Medicine (WVSU CM) and Iloilo Doctor’s Group (consisting of Iloilo Doctors’ Hospital, Iloilo Doctors’ College and Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine, Inc.) participated in the Genomics in Health Writeshop last June 24-25, 2019 at the AVR, GCEB, University of the Philippines Visayas, Iloilo City.
The Philippine Genome Center Visayas Satellite Facility (PGC VSF) sends 11 participants for the Nucleic Acid Extraction and Basic Library Preparation for Next Generation Sequencing on June 17-21, 2019 at the Philippine Genome Center, National Science Complex, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City.
Twenty-one institutions across the Philippines were represented in the gathering dubbed as “Forging Partnerships with Philippine Genome Center Visayas State Facility (PGC VSF)” held on June 14, 2019 at the Training Rooms 1 and 2, GCEB, UP Visayas, Iloilo City.