The Tourism Related Initiatives Anchoring on Local History and Culture project under the Tourism Studies on Island Based Opportunities for Growth (TSIBOG) Program in Western Visayas organized the activity “Conversations on Local History and Culture, Heritage Promotion, and Eco-Tourism” last November 25-26, 2021 at the Pandan Multi-Purpose Cooperative function hall, Antique. The activity aimed to create an avenue of conversations to enhance and strengthen Pandan’s local capacities and knowledge on history, culture, and heritage promotion as integral components and pathways for sustainable tourism.
Four resource persons were invited for the activity. UP Visayas Professors Frances Anthea Redison and Marie Joy Sumagaysay lectured on “Introduction to Local History and Culture”; and “Heritage Promotion,” respectively. Northwestern Visayan Colleges VP for Academic Affairs and climate change expert Dr. Rebecca Tandug-Barrios lectured on “Sustainable Pathways for Pandan using Foresight Tools,” while tourism promotions expert Mr. Gil Delos Santos talked on “Promoting and Empowering through Eco-Tourism.” Participants included representatives from the local government unit of Pandan, community-based organizations, local media, business and resort owners, the education sector, the youth and artisans, among others. Conversations among speakers and participants placed emphasis on local history, cultural tourism, and heritage promotion. Doable pathways towards sustainable tourism were also explored.
TSIBOG Program manager and dean of UP Visayas School of Technology, Dr. Ramer Bautista, welcomed the participants and provided an overview of the program through a video message.
Deputy Speaker and Antique Representative Loren Legarda graced the activity with a video message. Legarda, a Pandananon and a known champion of cultural heritage preservation and environmental protection, stressed the importance of such advocacies.
Under UP Visayas Center for West Visayan Studies, the project is led by Sashah Dioso as the project leader, Aprille Danilly A. Guintibano as the Project Development Officer, Darlene Joy D. Calsado as Project Staff, and Vanessa Coo as Project Support Staff. Tourism-Related Initiatives Anchoring on Local History and Culture is one of the seven projects under the UPV-CHED funded program “Tourism Studies on Island Based Opportunities for Growth (TSIBOG) program.
For more information about the project, you can reach them through email via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..