Ten health enthusiast employees of the University of the Philippines Visayas were recognized for their significant achievements as part of their commitment to join the first circuit of the “On Your Feet UPV,” an initiative of the UPV Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Committee.
The awardees were ranked according to the number of accumulated steps they recorded throughout the duration of the first circuit. Sherill C. Garcia of PGC Visayas garnered a total of 470,983 steps.
The awardees include: (Please see table below)
The UPV Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Committee is committed to help UPV employees pursue a life of health and wellness. One of its objectives is to encourage employees to prioritize simple physical movements while they are in the office and avoid a sedentary lifestyle, which often leads to back aches, headaches, shoulder pain, and dehydration, among others.
The “On Your Feet UPV” initiative is designed to promote physical movement among the employees while they are at the office. Its first circuit started last March 14 and concluded on May 31, 2022. It inspired employees to come up with creative ways to remain physically active all throughout the day, from doing the cha-cha or jumping jacks while attending a Zoom meeting to choosing to use the upstairs bathroom over the one on the ground floor, volunteering to deliver important documents to other offices, and walking to an office for an inquiry instead of just calling or sending a message via Messenger.
The “On Your Feet UPV” second leg or circuit two will be starting on June 15 to August 31, 2022. Registration will start today, June 10, and will end on June 20. Interested employees are encourage to check the FB page of One Fit and Well UPV.