Israeli Ambassador His Excellency Rafael Harpaz invited presidents of State Universities and Collleges in Western Visayas to visit Israel to learn about Israeli technologies and spread it to their universities and colleges.
A collaboration between these SUCs and Israel was proposed by UP Visayas Chancellor Ricardo Babaran who is exploring engagements in the areas of fisheries and tourism.
The ambassador visited UP Visayas on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 and met with UP Visayas officials and representatives of Higher Education Institutions.
The following SUCs were represented:
Aklan State University:
Dr. Danilo Abayon, President
Capiz State University:
Dr. Editha C. Alfon, President
Dr. Lucy A. Beluso, Vice President For Research And Extension
Mr. Bernie A. Supe, Staff
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College:
Dr. Renato M. Sorolla, President
Central Philippines State University:
Dr. Joel Perez, Vice President For Research And Extension
Mr. Noel Dayono, Ilog Campus Coordinator
Guimaras State College:
Dr. Rogelio T. Artajo, President
Dr. Lililian Diana Parreño, Vp For Research And Extension
Dr. Joel Japitana, Director For External Affairs
Prof. Ethel Junco, Director For Research
Ms. Janet R. Aleman, College/Board Secretary
Prof. Adrian C. Alumbro, Department Chair, Food Technology Program
Iloilo Science and Technology University:
Dr. Raul F. Muyong, President
Iloilo State College Of Fisheries:
Dr. Godelyn G. Hisole, President
Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College:
Dr. Ma. Theresa G. Palmares, President
Northern Negros State College Of Science And Technology:
Dr. Romulo T. Sisno, President
Dr. Jocelyn D. Bantigue, Director for Research and Development
University Of Antique:
Dr. Pablo S. Crespo, Jr., President
West Visayas State University:
Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, President
Dr. Bobby D. Gerardo, Vice President for Administration and Finance
Dr. Ma. Lulu L. Loyola, Vice President for Research, Extension and Training
Dr. Wilhelm P. Cerbo, Vice President for Planning and Development
Dr. Peter Ernie D. Paris, Campus Administrator, College Of Agriculture and Forestry
Ms. Lydia Callano, Planning and Development Officer
The ambassador was accompanied by his wife, Shulamit.