
UPV-USC, AUPAEU – Iloilo hold sectoral interview for UPV Chancellor nominees

UPV-USC, AUPAEU – Iloilo hold sectoral interview for UPV Chancellor nominees

The University of the Philippines Visayas – University Student Council (UPV-USC) and All UP Academic Employees Union – (AUPAEU) Iloilo Chapter jointly held “TAPATAN,” the sectoral interview with the nominees for the next UPV Chancellor at the GCEB AVR, Iloilo City campus, on Sept. 12. 

Representatives of local student councils, faculty, administrative staff, and Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS) attended separate interviews of Chancellor Clement Camposano and former Vice Chancellor for Administration and College of Management Dean Mary Ann Gumban, the two nominees for UPV Chancellor.

Camposano and Gumban were each given an hour to answer questions prepared by the USC and AUPAEU. The attendees were also given time to ask questions concerning their respective sectors. 

The questions generally included democratic governance, transparency and accountability, resource generation, and academic freedom, among others. 

USC Chairperson Audrey Eurielle Dayata and AUPAEU President Ma. Shirley M. Golez, along with their fellow officers, attended both interviews.

To recall, the Search Committee for the Next UPV Chancellor held a series of public consultations with the different sectors of the University, including alumni and members of the community last month. The committee gathered sectoral concerns and included them in their report submitted to the UP Board of Regents (BOR).

Camposano and Gumban’s appearance at TAPATAN marks the first time that they were able to publicly engage with the various sectors of UPV after the presentation of their vision papers on August 7. (With sources from UPV USC and AUPAEU Iloilo Chapter)

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