The UP Visayas started to “Go Live” with the Budget Utilization and Liquidation System and Analytics (BULSA) on 02 December 2024. Meanwhile, the Personnel Unified System Outlook (PUSO) is scheduled to “Go Live” on 09 December 2024. This commences the utilization of these systems in some of the University’s personnel and financial processes which previously utilized the Human Resource and Finance Systems University Information System (UIS).
Constitution/Appointment of Teams for PUSO-BULSA
On 10 July 2024, AO No. CCC 2024-380 constituted the UPV Taskforce for PUSO and BULSA to ensure the smooth transition to the new DR and Finance Systems. Specifically, the Taskforce will 1. Coordinate with the UP System Taskforce in identifying and addressing local challenges and ensure that all stakeholders are informed and prepared for the changes ahead; 2. Gather required data from their respective units/offices needed for the migration from UIS to PUSO and BULSA; 3. Gather feedback from units before and during utilization of the new system and recommend ways forward; and 4. Provide administrative and logistic support for the conduct of PUSO and BULSA-related activities.
AO No. CCC 2024-532 outlined the appointment of UPV Core Team for PUSO and BULSA in October 2024 with the following assignments: Chair: AVCA Cherry Pilapil-Añasco, Vice Chair: DIC Director Rhea Subong-Espina, Members: Heads of HR and ABC Offices, Dr. Francis Dimzon as UPV Adviser for Digital Transformation, and University Registrar Nilo Araneta as UPV Data Privacy Officer.
The Core Team coordinated with the UP System Task Force and the PUSO and BULSA Project Roll-out Team in identifying and addressing local challenges, ensuring the collection, cleansing, and completion of the data requirements for migration from UIS to PUSO-BULSA. They are also tasked to ensure that the stakeholders are well-informed and prepared for the changes ahead by working with the Digital Transformation (Dx) and IT Teams to manage the change process effectively.
On 05 November 2024, AO No. CCC 2024-557 outlined the appointment of the PUSO-BULSA Focal Implementation and Operationalization Team to serve as Help Desk. The Team is composed of HRD and ABCS Offices, and DIC personnel. Specifically, the Team is tasked to 1) ensure the functionality of PUSO-BULSA in the context of UP Visayas; 2) directly communicate with PUSO-BULSA UP System the issues/concerns that cannot be addressed at the UP Visayas level; and 3) regularly train the new users of these systems and/or communicate to your office the new features of PUSO-BULSA.
PUSO-BULSA Users Trainings
Two Users Trainings were conducted prior to “Going Live.” The first training was conducted face-to-face by Ms. Cylene Sabio and Dr. Eugene Rex L. Jalao, members of UP System PUSO-BULSA Roll-out Team, on 28-29 October 2024 at AV Hall, CFOS, UP Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo while Ms. Bea Santiago, another UP System PUSO-BULSA Roll-out Team member, giving inputs via Zoom. It was participated by the personnel of HRDO who are involved in UPV’s HR system, and the personnel of ABCS Offices (Accounting, Budget, Cash and SPSO) who are involve in inputting Suppliers and checking Purchase Requests, and the UPV financial system.
The second Users Training for PUSO-BULSA was conducted on 21-22 November 2024 at GCEB Training Rooms 1 & 2, UP Visayas, Iloilo City with the Approvers such as Deans and other Office/Unit Heads, and Administrative Officers and/or Staff-in-Charge for HR and Financial Systems together with all the participants during the first training with PUSO-BULSA Systems Analyst for UPV, Cylene Sabio and PUSO Junior Develop Mark Jay Sedan as onsite resource persons. Dr. Jalao and Ms. Santiago joined during the whole duration of the training via Zoom.
Initial use of PUSO-BULSA in parallel with manual processing advisory
To mitigate possible technical glitches in the use of PUSO-BULSA, Vice Chancellor Farisal Bagsit issued an Advisory last November 27, 2024 for all UPV unit/offices to initially use the available modules in PUSO-BULSA including preparation of Basic Paper, Purchase Request, Budget Clearance, Obligation Requests/ Budget Utilization Request and Status, and Disbursement Voucher, in parallel with manual processes. (With sources from Prof. Cherry Añasco)