To formally jumpstart the processes improvement initiative and serve its clientele better, the Office of Supply and Property Office (SPSO) held an SPSO Day at its office in Miagao campus on 03 September 2024.
The main goal of the activity was to re-orient all SPSO personnel of the unit’s mandate, vision, mission and functions. The activity also served as a venue for its newly appointed Chief-OIC, Dr. Cherry Pilapil Añasco, to clearly communicate the programs to be implemented in the next three months. The onsite SPSO transactions were suspended from 8:00 - 10:00AM for the Miagao office and 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM for the Iloilo City office to ensure that all personnel will be able to join the opening program with 100% attention as Dr. Añasco presented her DOTS program. DOTS is an acronym which means as follows:
D - ocumentation improvement. This is an initiative to improve the public image of SPSO and not to always receive the blame whenever problems occur on procurement and inventory processes, and to underscore that the success of each SPSO mandated process is a result of collaborations of many UPV units and/or stakeholders. SPSO social media platform, procurement, and inventory database will be set up for better process transparency and resiliency.
O - ne-time Cleansing Inventory Program. This is an initiative to completely implement COA Circular 2020-006 requiring government agencies to (i) conduct physical count of property, plant, and equipment (PPE); (ii) recognize PPE items found at station; and (iii) dispose from the master list the non-existing/missing PPE Items.
T - ransfer from UIS to e-Procure with Users (Re)Orientation. Considering the upcoming phase out of UIS (University Information System), this initiative aims to enhance capacity of procurement requestors to maximize utilization of e-Procure, a UPV-developed online platform programmed by Mr. Efrain V. Servento of the Digital Innovation Center (DIC), for more efficient and transparent procurement processes from the filing of the PPMP (Project Procurement Management Plan) to Purchase Request submission until the goods/services are accepted by the requestor and the suppliers are paid.
S - tandardization of processes. This is an initiative to consolidate all available process flows into an Operations Manual which will be clearly communicated to all procurement and inventory stakeholders.
As a unit under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration (OVCA), SPSO invited Vice Chancellor Dr. Farisal U. Bagsit and the heads of units under OVCA during the SPSO Day opening program. This is to ensure that the DOTS program is clearly communicated to the OVCA offices and is aligned to the flagship programs of the UP System specifically on the Quality Management System and Digital Transformation, and the 5-point agenda of UP Visayas, particularly reinvigorating democratic governance. Present during the presentation were DIC Director Prof. Rhea J. Subong-Espina, HRDO Chief Ella Tidon, Accounting Office Chief Eleanor M. Ravena and Accountant John Leovic B. Villanueva, Security Service Force Chief Raymund G. Gemarino and Administrative Assistant Dianelle N. Quilantang, and HSU Administrative Officer Sarina G. Nacita.
After the Opening Program, interactive discussions among personnel of each SPSO Section followed to iron out and agree on the different activities and deliverables of each staff to realize DOTS within three months. A fellowship lunch took place between the interactive discussions where sample SPSO talents were show-cased.
The DOTS program is a mixture of top-down and bottom-up approaches for an outcome-based governance to hopefully realize the SPSO’s vision to become “A model Supply and Property Services Office in the UP Visayas, taking the lead as a responsive Unit in the UP System in terms of Procurement and Property Management.”