
OUR hosts systemwide University Registrars’ workshop at UPV

OUR hosts systemwide University Registrars’ workshop at UPV

With the positive turnout of the previous in-person University Registrars’ Workshops in June and November 2022 in Baguio City and at the University of the Philippines (UP) Cebu, respectively, the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) held another workshop, hosted by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), at the UP Visayas Iloilo City campus on 30-31 January 2023.

The workshop aimed to fast-track the review, discussion, and harmonization of policies, forms, and procedures related to student progress and graduation. 

Among the topics discussed were students’ academic records, enrollment, scholastic standing, Latin honors, and official transcript of records. Updates on the Student Academic Information System (SAIS) upgrade program and the UP College Admissions (UPCA) 2023 and UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) 2024 were also presented. 

Some of the participants joined the workshop via Zoom.  Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Evangeline Amor led and facilitated the discussions. Among the participants were from the Director of the Office of Admissions, University Registrars, and staff of the Office of the University Registrar of the eight constituent universities, the head of the Information Technology Development Center-SAIS Team, and staff from the OVPAA who served as secretariat. 

UPV Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Philip Ian Padilla was also present during the workshop. He welcomed the participants to UPV. 

University Registrar Prof. Nieves Toledo and her staff at the OUR participated in the said workshop. 

The participants shared information and experiences that contributed to the active discussion and brainstorming for solutions to improve academic procedures and processes for the UP System. Outcomes from the workshop will be forwarded to the Academic Affairs Committee for endorsement.

Meanwhile, the participants were toured at the UPV Iloilo City and Miagao campuses after their workshop on day two. They also passed by landmarks found at the Diversion Road in the Mandurriao district and the Iloilo Business Park in Iloilo City.

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