Barangay health workers and health professionals in Negros Occidental attended the Training of Trainers on the use of Noncommunicable (NCD) diseases flipchart. Forty-five (45) BHWs and health professionals from the various cities and municipalities participated in what can be considered as the first opportunity for them to immerse and formally learn how to use the NCD flipchart effectively in the roll-out the NCD training in the other parts of the Negros Occidental province.
The NCD flipchart, which is part of the Job Aids of the Healthy Hearts Technical Package, is one of the means to popularize and allow various individuals to learn more about noncommunicable diseases, including their causes, prevention, as well as relevant laws and policies. Also, the flipchart contains colorful images and easy-to-read texts that allow BHWs and health professionals to conveniently carry out NCDs training in their respective areas.
Faculty members from the University of the Philippines Visayas, through the University of the Philippines Visayas Foundation Inc., in partnership with the Department of Health Region VI and the World Health Organization Philippines, organized the training of trainers.
The training sessions included an introduction to NCDs, the science behind NCDs, communication planning, as well as speaking and presentation skills. During the training sessions, participants expressed enthusiasm and interest as they welcomed the various sessions with eagerness and willingness to learn new ideas and concepts.
Participants also shared their own experiences as health professionals, especially in disseminating other health-related information in their areas. One of the highlights of the training was the mock presentation, where they were given the opportunity to present a topic from and using the NCD flipchart.
The three-day training concluded with an action planning session where participants mapped out their plans for the NCD training rollout, including prospective dates, venue, and the number of participants. The planned NCD training rollout using the flipchart is a commitment from the participants to further disseminate and capacitate other BHWs and health professionals about NCDs.