
DIC conduct test-run of new Network Infrastructure - Miagao

DIC conduct test-run of new Network Infrastructure - Miagao

The Digital Innovation Center implemented the acquisition, deployment and test-run of the local area network with fiber backbone and structured cabling connecting various sites in UP Visayas Miagao campus which is part of the UPV priority projects for the UP Visayas Network Infrastructure approved by the UP Board of Regents on February 24, 2022 and funded through the UP System Administration.

The project, which has been allocated a budget amounting to Php 39.7 million, commenced implementation on March 12, 2024, and is nearing completion. Its objective is to cover the newly constructed buildings and areas while also rehabilitating the existing network framework, which consists of a combination of buried and aerial set-up, that was put up in the period 1999 to 2000.

The project covers the deployment of  buried/underground fiber optic which is which is perceived as being less susceptible to damage from adverse weather conditions such as strong winds or wildlife. 

With this project, it is hoped that the implementation of network infrastructure that connects various parts of UPV Miagao campus will easily allow for future upgrade, ease of access for control and modification of equipment, and ensure efficient data flow and internet connectivity.

The project was facilitated by the efforts of the DIC, under the leadership of Asst. Prof. Rhea J. Subong-Espina, with an endorsement from  Asst. Prof.  John Lorenz Belanio, formerly from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration, and Chancellor Clement C. Camposano to the University of the Philippines System for the allocation of funding and subsequent approval.

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