
Garganera is SoTech’s top honor student

Garganera is SoTech’s top honor student

“UP has given me the academic credentials that I need to pursue a career in chemical engineering. But more importantly, it has taught me life skills to prepare me for life after college. Foremost among them is emotional intelligence; being able to sympathize with other people as well as put yourself in their shoes,” says Evan P. Garganera, the School of Technology’s top graduate, earning a GWA 1.25517, magna cum laude, the highest among his peers.

The B.S. Chemical Engineering major said that being a student in UP is very challenging. He pointed out, however, that the toughest among them was finishing his undergraduate thesis.

“With a tight schedule, I had to make sacrifices along the way as well as manage my time in meeting the requirements of other subjects. Through self-reflection and guidance from my adviser and peers, I was able to power through with it,” he recalled. Garganera said that he will miss the time he spent in UPV, one of which is going up and down the challenging route towards the School of Technology. Another is the day-to-day hum of student life such as deciding where to eat after class and walking back to the dorms at the end of the day or in the evening.

His fondest memory was bonding with fellow first-year and upper-class students as part of the costume committee for the cheering competition.

"In that event, we went outside our comfort zones. For days we sewed clothes for the cheerers. While it was a great way to destress from academics, it became my fondest memory because it taught me how to work together in a group and drove home the importance that everyone needs to do their part in order to have a successful project,” he pointed out. On July 20, 2023, Garganera, along with his fellow graduates will be conferred their degrees during UPV’s 44th Commencement Exercises.

He said he plans to take the board exam next year but is very thankful that he was absorbed by the company that he worked for during his internship.

“UP taught me to be a person of integrity through accountability and respect. I had to take accountability for my own academic, moral, and personal commitments, especially when it comes to collaborative work with my peers. As for respect, I learned the significance of not only respecting the ideas and perspectives of others but also treating them fairness,” he said with conviction.

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