27 May 2020
TO: All Unit Heads, Administrative Officers, Administrative Personnel and REPS
Please be advised that all work arrangements appropriate and applicable to your offices shall remain in place until the second week of June 2020 while awaiting official announcement on the status of the community quarantine in our area.
Based on the result of online survey conducted by the CDMO regarding schedule of reporting to office and transportation needs of UPV employees, the following shuttle service schedule will be implemented effective 28 May 2020 until the public transportation vehicles are sufficiently available in the Iloilo City and Province.
- Call for Nomination for the Director of the Office of Continuing Education and Pahinungod
- Online Application for Admission to the UPV Graduate Programs for AY 2020-2021
- Submission of Revised Individual Performance Commitment Report (IPCR) Targets for the period 01 January - 30 June 2020
- Advisory on Pull-out of Belongings from Dormitories