Geraldin Mae Daguplo Olaer, 3rd placer (84.25%), Jeremiah Inventor Diaz, 4th placer (84.00%), Mary Gold Rio David, 7th placer (83.25%), and Pearlyn Tanate Cambronero, 8th placer (83.00%) made their Alma Mater proud by making it to the Top 10 of the Fisheries Technologist Licensure Exam given this month of October 2021.
The four are BS Fisheries graduates of the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences of the University of the Philippines Visayas. CFOS had 24 examinees out of which 23 passed, making the passing rate of the college at 95.83%
According to the Professional Regulation Commission, of the 715 examinees this year, only 211 passed the board exam.