
Chancellor’s message on the occasion of the 75th year anniversary of UP’s presence in Iloilo

Chancellor’s message on the occasion of the 75th year anniversary of UP’s presence in Iloilo


Maayong aga! This theme invites reflection. Perhaps, there are those among us who will ask if this is not, in fact, contradictory. We cannot embrace the past and the future at the same time. Or can we?

This is not a contradiction but creative tension. And like in the springs within mechanical systems, tension is a source of movement.

When we embrace the totality of our inheritance, celebrate our achievements, and honor our values we are not trying to dwell in the past. Rather, we are seeking to plant on solid ground our desire to engage the future and explore the possibilities.

The idea is to build on our strengths!

Palanublion sang kahapon—we are heirs to a tradition of excellence as an academic institution, and we are mobilizing this inheritance in ways that will allow us to lead in the transformation of education. To transform the landscape of education, we need to realize the possibilities offered by digital technology and distance learning.

The pandemic has challenged us and I am aware of the personal struggles of many who have had to measure up to the demands of online teaching and learning. Nonetheless, our intention is not only to survive but to thrive. 

We shall draw from our tradition of excellence and we shall emerge better, stronger—that is our solemn vow to the future, panaad sa palaabuton.

Indeed, there is a unity between these two seemingly contradictory phrases, palanublion sang kahapon, panaad sang palaabuton. On the occasion of the 75th year anniversary of our presence in Iloilo, I now invite all of you to reflect on this unity.

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